Reliability UK 2018

Conference Agenda

All speakers’ biographies are available by hovering over their presentation titles.

Wednesday 26th September
Wednesday 26th September
Registration, Tea/Coffee
08:15 - 08:45

Keynote: Reliability on the Edge – Insights on Reliability from the F1 Industry
08:50 - 09:45
Mark Gallagher, Founder and CEO of Performance Insights Ltd
Mark Gallagher
Founder and CEO of Performance Insights
Keynote: Reliability on the Edge – Insights on Reliability from the F1 Industry

Mark Gallagher has worked in senior leadership roles in F1 for over 30 years, fifteen of those spent on the management boards of well-known organisations Jordan Grand Prix, Red Bull Racing and Cosworth. He is also a co-commentator and Formula One analyst for international media organisations, including BBC and Sky Sports. In this keynote presentation, Mark will talk about how much of the energy and technology in F1 is focused on learning how to better manage risk, ensure quality and guarantee reliability. To optimise results, the F1 industry has embraced a data-driven approach to monitoring system performance on cars, with over 200 sensors being used to understand precisely what is happening, enabling managers to diagnose issues, monitor trends and ultimately predict outcomes. So the approach actually shares many similarities with the most advanced reliability programmes being used in industry today


Achieving best practice lubrication, contamination control and oil analysis
10:00 - 10:40
Martin Williamson, Director KEW Engineering
Martin Williamson
Director, KEW Engineering
Achieving best practice lubrication, contamination control and oil analysis

Martin Williamson began his maintenance career in the South African mining industry as a mechanical engineering graduate from the University of Cape Town, before specialising in oil analysis tribology with Pall Filtration and Entek IRD. Having moved on to establish his own consultancy, KEW Engineering, in 2005, over the past decade, he has been presenting training classes and undertaking consulting projects on an international level on behalf of Noria Corp and other key clients such as BP, Dow Corning, Marathon Oil and Cargill as well as working on various related ISO working groups and the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML).

What’s new from industry: 3-minute briefings on latest technologies and solutions from our sponsors

Coffee Break
10:55 - 11:15

Making reliability a core business value
11:15 - 12:00
Andrew Fraser, Managing Director of Reliable Manufacturing Ltd
Andrew Fraser
Managing Director, Reliable Manufacturing, UK
Making reliability a core business value

Andrew Fraser is Managing Director of Reliable Manufacturing Ltd, a reliability-based change management consultancy that helps businesses establish reliability alongside safety, as a core value in their organisations. Andrew has over 35 years manufacturing experience across engineering, maintenance, production and change management roles and has worked with clients in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, USA and the Middle East. In addition to training and consultancy, Andrew provides coaching to site leadership teams in the implementation of organisational-wide reliability strategies and cultural change. Speaking at Reliability UK, he will focus on the business case for reliability; creating a holistic strategy to achieve high reliability performance; and making it all happen through leadership and cultural change.

Case study: Using Lean approaches to move from reactive to pro-active maintenance at Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Deeside
12:00 - 12:30
Keith Edwards, Head of Toyota Lean Management Centre, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
Keith Edwards
Head of Toyota Lean Management Centre, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
Case study: Using Lean approaches to move from reactive to pro-active maintenance at Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Deeside

Coming from an agricultural equipment and aerospace manufacturing background in the UK and US, Keith has been with Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) in Deeside for the past 27 years. Having joined Toyota as a toolmaker, he moved to the maintenance department as a team member, where he progressed to section manager of the group and played an instrumental role in moving maintenance operations from re-active, firefighting to pro-active, planned maintenance . For the past four years, he has headed the Toyota Lean Management Centre (TLMC), where he works with non-competing third-party companies to help them develop their own systems based around the Toyota Production System (TPS). At Reliability UK, Keith will talk about targeting zero breakdowns at Toyota Motor Manufacturing, using Lean tools such as waste elimination, visualisation, standardisation and problem solving.

What’s new from industry: 3-minute briefings on latest technologies and solutions from our sponsors

Lunch Break
12:45 - 13:45

How drones can revolutionise maintenance and asset management
13:45 - 14:15
Jenny Frances, Intelligent Digital – UK Drones Programme and Project Manager Lead, PwC UK
Jenny Frances
Intelligent Digital – UK Drones Programme and Project Manager Lead, PwC UK
How drones can revolutionise maintenance and asset management

As part of PwC’s Intelligent Digital team, Jenny Frances has a specific focus on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) / drones. The use of drones in asset management applications is far reaching and current projects include working on solutions across the energy, utilities, transportation, construction and real estate industries. PwC’s Intelligent Digital team is working closely with clients to bring together business, technological and human capabilities to turn disruptive drone technologies into strategic and commercial assets that enable clients to gain a competitive edge. With 16+ years in Project and Programme Management, Jenny is focused on helping project managers understand how they can use drone acquired data with the associated geospatial software platforms as a new project management tool.

Best practice ultrasound use for condition monitoring and proactive maintenance
14:15 - 14:45
Tom Murphy, Managing Director, Reliability Team, UK
Tom Murphy
Managing Director, Reliability Team, UK
Best practice ultrasound use for condition monitoring and proactive maintenance

With over 30 years’ experience in condition monitoring, Tom is co-author of the book Hear More and an ASNT Level 1 and Level 2 trainer in using ultrasound for predictive maintenance. As founder of the UK-based consultancy Reliability Team Limited, he specialises in helping companies improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs through condition monitoring. He is currently training ultrasound to ASNT and ISO standards and implementing programmes in a large variety of businesses worldwide.

Case study: Ensuring the availability and reliability of naval assets for defence and humanitarian operations
14:45 - 15:15
Lt Cdr Ronan Carey, Marine Engineering Officer in Charge of Maintenance Management Unit at the Irish Naval Service
Lt Cdr Ronan Carey
Marine Engineering Officer in Charge of Maintenance Management Unit at the Irish Naval Service
Case study: Ensuring the availability and reliability of naval assets for defence and humanitarian operations

Lt Cdr Ronan Carey is a chartered engineer and has been serving with the Irish Naval Service for twenty years. The Irish Naval Service (INS) is the State’s principle sea going agency with a general responsibility to meet contingent and actual maritime defence requirements. These responsibilities and roles present a broad range of missions that the INS must undertake; defence of territorial seas, deterrence of intrusive or aggressive acts, conducting maritime surveillance, maintaining an armed naval presence, ensuring rite of passage, and protecting marine assets. These missions are conducted on a 24/7/365 basis in the largest maritime domain to land ratio of any NW EU state encompassing almost one million square kilometres. These missions are also conducted globally where the government recognises the unique capability of the navy for furthering policy objectives in the international maritime domain. In this context, reliability of platform assets and whole fleet reliability are of critical importance. Ronan has served in appointments both ashore and at sea. All of these roles have involved leading engineering teams to ensure the availability and reliability of naval assets to meet operational requirements. Ronan is currently in charge of Planning & Inspectorate Unit which is responsible for ensuring the efficient, reliable and cost effective performance of naval vessels. The unit review asset condition and schedule all major refits and dry docks for the fleet. Planning and Inspectorate are the first line of technical support to naval ships that may experience technical difficulties while on operations. Ronan holds an MLA II and has been proactive in directing the INS approach to greater awareness and quality management of lubricants throughout the naval fleet. This approach has proven valuable in the preparation of naval ships in their deployment to the Mediterranean Sea as part of a bi-lateral agreement and a European response to the migrant crisis. Ronan’s presentation will outline how Naval Engineers have achieved increased levels of machinery availability and reliability by considering the lubricant as an asset rather than a consumable.

Coffee Break

Key Reasons Why Reliability Strategies Fail and How to Avoid Them
15:30 - 16:00
Gary Tyne, Director, Pro-Reliability Solutions
Gary Tyne
Director, Pro-Reliability Solutions
Key Reasons Why Reliability Strategies Fail and How to Avoid Them

Gary Tyne has been in the field of maintenance and reliability for the past 33 years. He is experienced working with clients in a wide-range of industries on sizable and complex reliability projects. Some of his areas of expertise include: maintenance strategy development, reliability centred maintenance, system availability, reliability implementation programs, and root cause analysis facilitation and investigation.

Collecting clean and usable data for better reliability modelling – lessons learned from the field
16:00 - 16:30
Carles CG, Data Scientist, Reliable Dynamics, Copenhagen, Denmark
Carles CG
Data Scientist, Reliable Dynamics, Copenhagen, Denmark
Collecting clean and usable data for better reliability modelling – lessons learned from the field

A data scientist, Carles’s passion about wind energy lead him to a Danish turbine manufacturer, applying Six Sigma concepts to reduce lead time, and he switched the focus of his career to improving the link between data and the physical world. Since then, he has been developing and applying his analytical skills in the wind energy business and fleet performance as well as advising clients on big data, reliability engineering and the internet-of-things (IoT). In October 2017, he founded Reliable Dynamics – a Copenhagen-headquartered company that develops applications, enabling reliability engineers to perform statistical calculations and warranty and maintenance predictions.

Conference Close, Apple iWatch Draw and Delegate Tours of Old Trafford Commence

Wednesday 26th September